Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Silent Killer"

This picture of the baby receiving contaminated air I believe is very controversial. Not only are the two women who are smoking their life away in the background are careless of whose around them but they are also definitely being selfish and not thinking about the baby's future.

Seeing this picture makes me really upset, not only because my baby brother has asthma but also because the man my mother worked for during her pregnancy smoked, which caused him to be born with asthma. You can obviously see that the purpose of this picture is that smoking around babies can kill their lungs and future, quotes "Ssssilent Killer". The innocent child does not deserve the future his surroundings are leading him to have. Second hand smoke seem to be the worst in America. People who smoke should think about if the area is appropriate when they do, and not only think about what they need at the moment to help their stress but also think about the crowd of kids who they might influence.

Like in this picture the ladies in the background seem to be enjoying their conversation while smoking. Even though the baby doesn't know that much, and is not facing them he could still hear the laughter and smell the smoke, which can cause him to want to do it once he gets older. If you are a smoker or tried it once, stop and think about what made you do it. It wasn't because you were born that way, it was because someone influenced you or peer pressured you on doing it. Think about the times that you've tried to stop, but is so hard to do so. Make it easy for kids now a days on not making that same choice you did by not smoking around them.

The idea of thinking twice before you do and who you do it by, is great! Please don't smoke around kids, they might be the next president of your country, so don't kill their future!


  1. The last statement is an extremely good message, "they might be the next president of your country, so don't kill their future!" I personally do not smoke but it makes you think what a consequence it is to a child and how it can impact the rest of their life. This is a very well done blog, I enjoyed it immensely.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, great choice of image. This one actually hits home with me, as many of my family members have died due to lung cancer. It also reminded me of when I was in driving school and my teacher, who was pregnant, used to smoke cigarettes all the time. It is truly pitiful that these sort of things exist. Anyway, great job.


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Im Latina, born in El Salvador, Love to Dance, very curious, outspoken and impatient!