Sunday, September 13, 2009

Really into Sheetz!

Waking up in the morning, you think about the places you don't want to go to during your long day, but there's just one place you can't avoid, the gas station. Early Thursday morning I headed to Sheetz with one of my classmate to do an observation assignment. We wanted a busy place were people are usually seen once they wake up to start their day off.

We both arrived at Sheetz and started on our task. Sheetz in the morning like around nine o'clock is pretty busy, I could smell the coffee coming from inside the station as people opened and closed the doors. What I'm use to seeing,smelling and feeling when i go to a gas station wasn't the same anymore, I could now understand why everything was so bright. The bright red and yellow roof could be spotted a mile away, the smell of gas once people started pumping was as if you were near the cars, maybe to wake you up. It was'nt a normal warm morning, now that we're getting close to fall.

That day was windy and kind of chilly. I could feel the hairs on my arm raise when the wind hit me and could see women hair in the air landing with a whole new dew. The clouds above covering the clear perfect sky. And people walking into that door, with their hands holding a tight grip of themsleves. Usually the windows on cars were pulled down but when I looked across at the busy street all windows were up.

When we walked inside I felt welcomed, not only because of the bright colors but also cause the workers were awake and happy. It was like a whole cafeteria in there except in a smaller size. I could now smell dounuts and the smell of coffee was stronger. The expressions on peoples face when they came in was of sleepy, hungry workers. They all knew what they wanted and knew exactly where to find it, since everything was so organized. The dirty tiles on the floor, gives it that busy everyday feeling. It was pretty loud and I could hear the register open and close with the change hitting it each time. The police officer's radio going off while he was getting coffe,typical. And also people coversating with strangers about going off to work, or gas still being too high.

As we headed back out, I could hear car engines turning on and off. Walking to my car I noticed this Sheetz wasn't only surrounded by busy streets but also big companies like: Taco Bell, Wedys, BB&T Bank, and a small shopping center to the left right across a Roy Rogers. This busy Sheetz is great if you're having a hard time waking up, not only does it have food for you on your ride to work but the feeling you get once you step in makes it another great day.


  1. It's funny how we were all at Sheetz on thursday haha. I liked your observation though! all of ours are a little bit different but all seem to connect somehow.

  2. Yeah I work at sheetz at know what you mean. We all need gas

  3. Everyone's writing about Sheetz and yet they all slightly vary from description to description, this is most entertaining but also appreciative how everyone feels different things from the same place. I like the added smell of coffee mixed with ur smell of gas, how odd. Good use of descriptors. =]

  4. Ah Sheetz and their fairly decent subs. I was considering going there, but I'm glad I got read something about it. I would have thought those customers would be more of a zombies group rocking back and forth to get their long awaited coffee

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.:About Me:.

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Im Latina, born in El Salvador, Love to Dance, very curious, outspoken and impatient!