Sunday, November 1, 2009

"She's DRAMA in the USA"

As we all know by now, America is facing an increasing celebrity influence towards young ones. She is known as Hannah Montana but out of her T.V show she is Miley Cirus. This new Diva has made a change of the limitations on what kids can watch and are allowed to do. She has made parents approve/disapprove the new generation of singers. I think this fame thing has gone out of hands and she has taken it too far.

Recently she was voted 2009's Worst Celebrity Influence by Teens,Tweens. This already backs me up with what my personal opinions are. She has put herself in a horrible position she could have avoided. Miley Cirus,16 years old,in August for the Teens Choice Award performed on stage in front of thousands of not only young girls but boys as well with a stripper pole. She very well knew that her doing that was going to cause a huge chaos. Does she do it for attention or to let people know she is shedding out the Hannah Montana Character? For whatever reason it is, she easily won Brittinay Spears and Kanye West for being the years bad influence celeb. Her skimpy outfits, heavily loaded make up, and two-inch heels also gives her that bad girl look. Her attire is an example of what not to let your daughter dress in. In June 2008, her semi-nude Vanity Fair Cover also caused a major stir. With pictures and shows being performed like this the effects on our young kids who view her as a teen idol will not stop.

Our young generation will believe that scenes like Mileys' are ok to watch just because it is being aired on Disney channel. Or they might think it is prefectly normal to date more then two guys in the same year who are older then thay are just because she did. If she isn't thrown off th island we will continue seeing our little girls grow up too fast!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Love You Only When...

I love watching baby videos on YouTube, I think they are the most entertaining ones to spend your free time on; you never know what to expect. In this video we can actually see how little ones become when they are educated a certain way by their parents.

We don't know why this particular baby "only loves mommy when she gives him cookies," but maybe something caused that to happen. His mother probably got him use to always giving him a cookie as a treat for when he did something good or said something polite at the correct time.

This is not good. I love this video; it's ADORABLE and one of my favorites, but I think its the results of when a child is given everything they want. The way i interpret this case is that, he's now use to his mother giving him a treat (in this case a cookie) whenever he repeats the same activity that earned him one before. He is going to expect one from not only her but from anyone. Once a child practice an activity more then once they will easily adapt to it if they enjoy it. I believe that a parent should do the snack treatment unless they are struggling with adapting to something new, for example potty train.

Otherwise, don't have little ones misunderstand the concept of the "snack treatment" because they will only end up "loving you when you give them cookies".

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why "Give Up"

Females and even males now a day are finding it easier to clear their path to their ideal future by eliminating an innocent child. They either abort or give him/her up for adoption.

Maybe the word "mother/father" scares some away but if you think about it, if you help make a baby, "mother/father" is what you'll be considered as for the rest of your life. And the reasons are always the same, one of three, it was an accident, the family does not accept premarital sex or they just aren't ready for a family. It seems to me like giving a child up for adoption as become "popular", its like giving your old TV to your neighbors in replace of a better one. These people give their kids up in place of a easy future.

I personally DISAGREE with giving a child for adoption. I understand the reasons and decision and also respect them. But there is always a way out, other then giving someone up that you cared for and probably even loved for nine whole months so easily. Anyone can get help, and make the impossible happen. I believe every women as well as men who are lucky enough to bring to this world one more being, shouldn't watch it on TV but enjoy it themselves. Think about the family they might end up with, it might be with the wrong one. They may seem like the perfect family your child needs but down the road you're not there to witness it. Think about what they have to explain in pain to their friends, when they ask them who their parents are. Think about how they're going to feel, with that thought in the back of their heads, of "what did I do wrong".

My question to you all is, "Should people give their child up for adoption because they're getting in the way or for any other reason" why or why not?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Silent Killer"

This picture of the baby receiving contaminated air I believe is very controversial. Not only are the two women who are smoking their life away in the background are careless of whose around them but they are also definitely being selfish and not thinking about the baby's future.

Seeing this picture makes me really upset, not only because my baby brother has asthma but also because the man my mother worked for during her pregnancy smoked, which caused him to be born with asthma. You can obviously see that the purpose of this picture is that smoking around babies can kill their lungs and future, quotes "Ssssilent Killer". The innocent child does not deserve the future his surroundings are leading him to have. Second hand smoke seem to be the worst in America. People who smoke should think about if the area is appropriate when they do, and not only think about what they need at the moment to help their stress but also think about the crowd of kids who they might influence.

Like in this picture the ladies in the background seem to be enjoying their conversation while smoking. Even though the baby doesn't know that much, and is not facing them he could still hear the laughter and smell the smoke, which can cause him to want to do it once he gets older. If you are a smoker or tried it once, stop and think about what made you do it. It wasn't because you were born that way, it was because someone influenced you or peer pressured you on doing it. Think about the times that you've tried to stop, but is so hard to do so. Make it easy for kids now a days on not making that same choice you did by not smoking around them.

The idea of thinking twice before you do and who you do it by, is great! Please don't smoke around kids, they might be the next president of your country, so don't kill their future!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Witness of Crimes!

Now a days undercover cops are not unusual to see. Around where I live, Frederick Md, they may even live in your quite, calm neighborhood, like in my case. They don't interest me in any type of way, specially after getting speeding tickets. But for some odd reason there's one that does, not in a weird manner, but his mysterious sirens at night in my court always made me wonder. His name his Robert Perkins, who wakes my brother and I up on random nights because his kids enjoy the ride around my court in his car.

I finally had the opportunity to ask loads of questions, so I made an appointment with Mr. Perkins for an interview Thursday afternoon. I walked over to his house, which is right across my court, that day, wearing the same clothes I wore to school that morning. I rang the doorbell and for the first time Mr.Perkins welcomed me into his house.Once inside he made it my choice weather to do the interview in the dining room, where a huge long window let us see daylight or at the breakfast table where his three year old boy sat watching T.V in the connected living room. I replied with saying, "where ever you like". As I followed him into the kitchen I noticed his attire was as I'm use to seeing him. A T-shirt, a pair of cargo shorts and white socks. He waited like a gentlemen for me to take a seat first and he started off by asking how my day was going so far, and I replied very well. Even though I knew that if I asked him the same question his answer was going to be, excited to leave to the beach tonight for the weekend, because that was the reason our appointment had no other choice then that day, I still asked. And shockingly responded how I expected. I continued by asking him what his daily routine was like, and found out very interesting things I had no idea of.

Mr. Perkins starts his day off usually going to court in the mornings, according to him there's no set time of when he will finish. But most of the time he's back home by the time his little girl, Katelyn, comes home from school, then is off to work. He's been working for the Germantown Special assignment team for fifteen years. Most people I know would want to change their career to something they truly want to do, not just for the money but because they enjoy it. When I asked Mr. Perkins if he would ever change his job, he with a smile on his face said, "no, I love doing this, I've been a cop for about fifteen years, and have been in the Plane Closed assignment for eight, my salary is great and if I wanted to, I could take off for half a year and still get paid." I have never seen someone explain their job, filled with enthusiasm and excitement before. And because he's been a cop for so long, I wondered how many horrible scenes he's witness, that he'd never imagined he would. I asked if he was disturbed by anything that he had seen, he stops and remembers all the dead bodies he seen, women that were raped or beaten, teens that were jumped by gangs, and says " I'm use to it all, you name it I've seen it".

Following that response I asked " have you ever witness a suicide" and he stood up and said "follow me" and I could see we were shifting rooms because " my three year old really doesn't need to know what daddy really does"he said. " I've had a young man die in my arms before," I gasped and couldn't believe it, he continued by telling me the story. "I was paged on my radio and headed to the house, as I called out to see if anyone else other the the one guy I could see lien on the floor was there, but no one answered", I could see the blood covering up his surroundings and the pain that was taking over him, I started connecting what I could see and it looked like a suicide. At first I thought he had shot himself in the mouth as I'm use to seeing, so I stuck my two fingers to give him an air way to breath. But then I saw that it wasn't his mouth it was his chest, he had shot himself with a shot gun, one where the bullet goes in then comes right back out. But this time the bullet stayed as a ping pong ball does inside, I started to press down his chest, and could hear it crack every time I did, but I could still feel the pulse on his neck and two or three pulses later they stopped." I had chills all over my body when he told me this, and my hands were covering my mouth, which is what I usually do as a habit when I'm in shock.

After all the exciting stories he told me, I said, " so how many awards do you have?", Mr. Perkins stood up and once again I followed. We were heading to room right by the door, "this is my wall of shame" he says, and we both laughed. Out of all four walls three were completely covered up top. He took the time and explained what a few of the were, I could see the proudness coming out now, he has recieved over twenty awards. One by the governer, a few by the community, one of the sniper investigation, which I thought was cool, and others from different cases he participated in.

Ending the interview I congratulated him of his fifteen years of success, and asked him the last question, " In six words, after all you've witness and been through how would you describe yourself, and he told me in seven "I try to do the right thing." He remarks, "I'm known in the office of not taking advantage of the police mask we all carry and doing the right thing". After you he said and followed me to the door, "thank you so much for your time and for sharing all the cool and detailed stories I said", No, thank you for choosing me, and if you need anything else just call me". As I walked back home I couldn't believe that someone like him could be six doors away from mine.

.:About Me:.

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Im Latina, born in El Salvador, Love to Dance, very curious, outspoken and impatient!