Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Love You Only When...

I love watching baby videos on YouTube, I think they are the most entertaining ones to spend your free time on; you never know what to expect. In this video we can actually see how little ones become when they are educated a certain way by their parents.

We don't know why this particular baby "only loves mommy when she gives him cookies," but maybe something caused that to happen. His mother probably got him use to always giving him a cookie as a treat for when he did something good or said something polite at the correct time.

This is not good. I love this video; it's ADORABLE and one of my favorites, but I think its the results of when a child is given everything they want. The way i interpret this case is that, he's now use to his mother giving him a treat (in this case a cookie) whenever he repeats the same activity that earned him one before. He is going to expect one from not only her but from anyone. Once a child practice an activity more then once they will easily adapt to it if they enjoy it. I believe that a parent should do the snack treatment unless they are struggling with adapting to something new, for example potty train.

Otherwise, don't have little ones misunderstand the concept of the "snack treatment" because they will only end up "loving you when you give them cookies".


  1. You were right, this video is really cute, but I do agree that the "snack treatment" is used a lot. My parents used this with me and my siblings and it's a really hard habit to break. You feel like everytime you do something good you should get a treat for it and it really sucks when you are trying to stay on a diet. Good point with the "snack treatment" parenting style, not that it's neccesarily bad, just used wrong sometimes.

  2. I agree. I think that discipline itself has been forgotten about by majority of people. Instead of punishing them its more of im going to take this away. good Post!

  3. This movie is very cute, but i do agree that kids start learning when they're young, so they should be taught the right things. They should also be discipline.

  4. This makes me sad. First, it's upsetting because children have been taught that cookies are good and other, healthier foods are bad. Second, I feel bad for the mother of this boy, mostly because she must feel like she failed as a mother. A successful mother's child would not say a thing like that. Children should be disciplined though, I agree with Erika.

  5. This is sad, its funny because I know how that is, and I could see my little sister saying the same thing. But it is sad because if your kid is already saying I only like you when you give me cookies, what is going to happen when they get older. Obviously the mother gives her son to many cookies, probably when he cries. Children need to be disciplined not given everything that they want.

  6. I couldn't help but smile when I watched this video. though it is very cute, I agree with you that its a bad habit to treat your children like dogs and give then rewards for doing something good. If I was that mother, I would be upset if my child only liked me if I gave him cookies. Good blog =]

  7. The key is that he loves her all the time but does not like her when the cookies come short. This is great, his theory goes for my husband as well, I love him all the time, but I don't like him sometimes. :o)
    Snack treatment, my dog undergoes snack treatment which leads to obedience. I would hate to enforce such traits in a child. I imagine that this snack treatment would manifest into a bargaining or bribery relationship if cultivated.


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Im Latina, born in El Salvador, Love to Dance, very curious, outspoken and impatient!