Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Love You Only When...

I love watching baby videos on YouTube, I think they are the most entertaining ones to spend your free time on; you never know what to expect. In this video we can actually see how little ones become when they are educated a certain way by their parents.

We don't know why this particular baby "only loves mommy when she gives him cookies," but maybe something caused that to happen. His mother probably got him use to always giving him a cookie as a treat for when he did something good or said something polite at the correct time.

This is not good. I love this video; it's ADORABLE and one of my favorites, but I think its the results of when a child is given everything they want. The way i interpret this case is that, he's now use to his mother giving him a treat (in this case a cookie) whenever he repeats the same activity that earned him one before. He is going to expect one from not only her but from anyone. Once a child practice an activity more then once they will easily adapt to it if they enjoy it. I believe that a parent should do the snack treatment unless they are struggling with adapting to something new, for example potty train.

Otherwise, don't have little ones misunderstand the concept of the "snack treatment" because they will only end up "loving you when you give them cookies".

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why "Give Up"

Females and even males now a day are finding it easier to clear their path to their ideal future by eliminating an innocent child. They either abort or give him/her up for adoption.

Maybe the word "mother/father" scares some away but if you think about it, if you help make a baby, "mother/father" is what you'll be considered as for the rest of your life. And the reasons are always the same, one of three, it was an accident, the family does not accept premarital sex or they just aren't ready for a family. It seems to me like giving a child up for adoption as become "popular", its like giving your old TV to your neighbors in replace of a better one. These people give their kids up in place of a easy future.

I personally DISAGREE with giving a child for adoption. I understand the reasons and decision and also respect them. But there is always a way out, other then giving someone up that you cared for and probably even loved for nine whole months so easily. Anyone can get help, and make the impossible happen. I believe every women as well as men who are lucky enough to bring to this world one more being, shouldn't watch it on TV but enjoy it themselves. Think about the family they might end up with, it might be with the wrong one. They may seem like the perfect family your child needs but down the road you're not there to witness it. Think about what they have to explain in pain to their friends, when they ask them who their parents are. Think about how they're going to feel, with that thought in the back of their heads, of "what did I do wrong".

My question to you all is, "Should people give their child up for adoption because they're getting in the way or for any other reason" why or why not?

.:About Me:.

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Im Latina, born in El Salvador, Love to Dance, very curious, outspoken and impatient!